Articles by Ann Todhunter Brode
Ann is a contributing author for a variety of different publications. Here are links to her articles.
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Somatic Psychotherapy Today
A Body-Centered Pregnancy: How to Stay Grounded When All Else is Changing
We perceive, interpret, and trust information from our five basic senses without thinking much about it. But, we’re less familiar with our sixth sense, the kinesthetic sense. This is the sense that tells you all you need to know about space: the space inside your body, the space around you and spatial relationships.
It’s key to a body-oriented intelligence and, aptly, considered by many synonymous with extra sensory perception and intuition. Introducing a pregnant woman to feeling space, body breathing, and positive messaging is an effective way to wake up and empower her kinesthetic sense. And, trusting this inner-outer sense of space is essential for the pre and perinatal journey...
Somatic Psychotherapy Today
A Somatic Strategy for the Holiday Season
Our ideas of how the holidays should go can be a sticky combination of tradition, experience, marketing, and . . . fiction. Year after year I see my clients reflect the stresses of the season as old issues surface and old patterns take hold.
Photo by Keegan Houser on Unsplash
Somatic Psychotherapy Today
Listening to Your Body:
How to Include the Body in a Therapeutic Conversation
In a world dominated by the intellectual and imaginal mind, the body can be shunted to the background as something that’s dumb, numb, inconvenient or untrustworthy. But, what if this is an illusion and the body is intelligent, responsive, and reliable? What if listening to the body could be a way to discover your deepest truth?
Thrive Global
Calm Your Nerves:
How to get the rest you need in stressful times.
The repercussions of our current health crisis have impacted every part of our lives leaving everyone I know feeling agitated and anxious. What used to be simple and taken for granted is now complex and uncertain. We need to be aware of day to day things like washing hands, opening doors, and touching. Who knew we touched our faces so much? Travel, events, school, and anything social has been cancelled. Our work routines have been totally disrupted or discontinued altogether.
photo by Isabel Herrera on Unsplash
Thrive Global
Forgiveness: Freeing up the flow.
Anyone who has experienced the cathartic and liberating effect of forgiveness knows it’s good for your mind and good for your body. Because disappointment, anger or resentment have a hold on the emotional body, addressing the physical component is an effective way to clear it up and move on.
Llewelyn Journal
Sensible Intuition:
How to Develop Good Body Sense and Use It Every Day
Being both sensible and being intuitive may seem like an oxymoron, since those two adjectives fall on seemingly opposite ends of a spectrum. But, from the body's point of view, they're really one and the same. While being sensible implies being practical, grounded, and level-headed, it's really about living in accord with your inner knowing or intuition. Curiously, being sensible depends more on information from your aware body than your rational mind.
Huffington Post
A Good Night’s Sleep
When you sleep well, you look better, feel better, and function better the next day. But, sometimes, getting to and staying asleep can be frustrating and elusive. Here are some reliable ways to help your mind and body get ready for a good night’s sleep.
Huffington Post
Bring Your Sensible Body to the Party - How to Indulge Without Over-Indulging.
The holidays come around every year. And, each year, we have a chance to fine tune our participation. What if there was a way to indulge in all the bountiful delights without the distraction, weight gain and headache of over-indulgence? To pull this off, all you need to do is pay attention and apply the pleasure v pain principle.